Tuesday, September 2, 2008

jOrnal [9-2-08]

What are yOu dOinq at hOpe street tO be successfull?

Well lets see i am cOminq to schOOl On time everyday and qOinq tO all my classes. when im in my classes.I am payinq attention and dOinq all the assinments On time.While im dOinq the assinments i make shure that the answerz are all correct and that i dOnt rush threw the wOrk.because while im at hOpestreet i need tO listen and pay attentiOn sO i pass all the classes needed tO qraduate.And thats what i am dOinq at hOpestreet tO be successfull..

XoxoxoX-lOve Tiffany;]